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[pysolar-discuss] get_radiation_direct
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- Subject: [pysolar-discuss] get_radiation_direct
- From: Michael Dauer <michael.dauer@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2017 09:11:07 +0000
- To: pysolar-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxx
Hi, I tried to use get_radiation_direct, but I doubt that the results are correct. The radiation for noon in spring is much stronger then for noon in summer. You can easily check with the following code: from pysolar import solar import datetime as dt import dateutil import time import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np # for when in [dt.datetime(2017,3,21,12,0), dt.datetime(2017,6,21,12,0)]: results = [] for days in range(365): # when = dt.datetime(2017,1,1,12,0) + dt.timedelta(days=days) when = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime((2017, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)), tz=dateutil.tz.tzoffset("CET", 1*60*60)) + dt.timedelta(days=days) altitude = solar.get_altitude(48.1980552, 16.3508735, when) power = solar.radiation.get_radiation_direct(when, altitude) print(altitude, power) day = when.utctimetuple().tm_yday results.append((day, power, solar.radiation.get_apparent_extraterrestrial_flux(day), solar.radiation.get_optical_depth(day), solar.radiation.get_air_mass_ratio(altitude))) print(results[-1]) r = np.array(results) ax = None for i in range(1,5): ax = plt.subplot(4,1,i, sharex=ax) plt.plot(r[:,i]) plt.show() [image: pysolar.png] Maybe the function works for the southern hemisphere only, or do I need to consider the actual angle in addition? I miss the theoretical background. Can somebody please give me a hint, how to correct it. Thanks, Mick