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Re: [pysolar-discuss] Installation possible issue: Downloads Pysolar to wrong directory?

Hi Ryan and Jay,

This reply is a couple of months late, but maybe it will help future users.

To install Pysolar, you need to use pip3 rather than pip. Otherwise, it
gets installed for Python 2, which doesn't work, and Python 3 can't find
it. (When you ran into trouble, the installation instructions on
http://pysolar.org were wrong. I just updated them.)

Anyway, the proper installation command is: sudo pip3 install pysolar

If you run into the error: "AttributeError: 'datetime.datetime' object has
no attribute 'timestamp'", it is very likely that you are using a new
version of Pysolar (newer than 0.6) that only works with Python 3. The
fundamental problem here is that Python 3's datetime module can produce
Unix timestamps natively, but Python 2's version can't. This is one of the
reasons (maybe the only reason?) that Pysolar needs Python 3.

If someone wanted to make Pysolar work with Python 2 again, the first step
would be to figure out how to generate timestamps properly. You might start


On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 6:08 PM, Jay Doscher <jay@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I'm running pysolar under 2.4, but I use this wording:
> import Pysolar
> My guess is that "Pysolar" is case sensitive.  Hope this helps,
> Jay
> On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 3:26 PM, Ryan Kapur <ryankapur@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I installed pysolar via "sudo pip install pysolar" and I have python3.4.2
>> on my 64-bit Ubuntu machine.
>> Following along to the documentation, when I'm in python and I try:
>>  *>>>from pysolar.solar import **
>>  ImportError: No module named 'pysolar.solar'
>> Pysolar automatically downloaded to
>> /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pysolar
>> ......................................................................................................
>> To reiterate:
>> When I ran python3 myprogram.py I get:
>> *    from pysolar.solar import *ImportError: No module named
>> 'pysolar.solar'*
>> When I run python myprogram.py I get:
>> *Traceback (most recent call last):  File "tracker.py", line 22, in
>> <module>    get_altitude(42.206, -71.382, d)  File
>> "/home/ryankapur/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pysolar/solar.py", line
>> 58, in get_altitude    jd = time.get_julian_solar_day(when)  File
>> "/home/ryankapur/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pysolar/time.py", line
>> 742, in get_julian_solar_day    +AttributeError: 'datetime.datetime' object
>> has no attribute 'timestamp'*
>> .......................................................................................................
>> Why did Pysolar automatically download to the 2.7 directory? I moved it
>> to the 3.4/dist_packages manually with nautilus but* it didn't work*. It
>> only worked when I repeated this process after cloning the git repository.
>> I hope this long message can provide some useful feedback because it was
>> frustrating for me to figure out these import module errors--want to make
>> sure others don't encounter this in the future. Cheers to Pysolar!
>> Regards,
>> Ryan

Brandon Stafford
Rascal Micro: small computers for art and science
Somerville, MA, USA